The squat is a fundamental movement that provides the foundation for many other exercises. When performed correctly, squats can help to build strength, improve mobility, and prevent injuries. However, due to the complexity of the movement, there are a few common mistakes that people make when doing squats. In this blog post, we'll cover three of the most common squat mistakes and how to avoid them.
Mistake #1: You're Not Activating Your Core
One of the most common mistakes people make when doing squats is failing to activate their core muscles. The core muscles include the muscles of the abdominals, lower back, and hips. These muscles work together to stabilise the spine and provide support for the trunk of the body. When performing a squat, it's important to keep these muscles engaged so that you don't put unnecessary strain on your lower back. To activate your core muscles, start by drawing your belly button in towards your spine and squeeze your glutes (buttocks) together. Once you've done this, you should feel a slight contraction in your abdominals and lower back. If you don't feel anything, that's an indication that you need to work on engaging your core muscles more effectively.
Mistake #2: You're Letting Your Knees Collapse Inward
Another common mistake people make when doing squats is letting their knees collapse inward. This puts unnecessary stress on the knee joint and can lead to pain or injury over time. To avoid this, make sure to keep your knees in line with your second toe throughout the entire movement. Additionally, try not to let your knees extend past your toes when lowering into a squat. If you find that your knees are collapsing inward or extending past your toes, try placing a resistance band just above your knees. This will provide some external stability and help to keep your knees in proper alignment.
Mistake #3: You're Not Keeping Your Heels Down
The third and final mistake we'll cover is not keeping your heels down when performing a squat. This is particularly common when people have tightness in their Achilles tendon or calf muscles. When this happens, it can cause people to tip onto their toes when they lower into a squat. This puts unnecessary strain on the knee joint and can lead to pain or injury over time. To avoid this, make sure to keep your heels down throughout the entire movement. You may also find it helpful to place a small weight under each heel for additional stability.
In conclusion, these are three of the most common mistakes people make when doing squats. By being aware of these mistakes and how to avoid them, you can help ensure that you're getting the most out of this foundational movement and reducing your risk of injury over time. Thanks for reading!