
Following Fitness Experts on Instagram for Inspiration and Motivation

by Callum Allan on Dec 02, 2022

Following Fitness Experts on Instagram for Inspiration and Motivation

The age of social media has created a platform for fitness experts to share their tips and tricks, inspiring stories, and advice with the world. From personal trainers to bodybuilders, nutritionists to yogis – there’s an expert out there for everyone. Here are some of the most popular fitness influencers that you should be following on Instagram! 


1. Kayla Itsines (@kayla_itsines): Kayla is an Australian personal trainer who is best known for her 12-week Bikini Body Guide program. With over 11 million followers, she has become one of the most influential health and wellness experts on Instagram. She not only posts about her own workout routines but also shares healthy recipes, motivational quotes, and tips to help her followers achieve their fitness goals. 


2. Joe Wicks (@thebodycoach): This British personal trainer is best known as “The Body Coach” – he has over 5 million followers who look to him for his no-nonsense approach to nutrition and exercise. He posts daily HIIT (High-Intensity Interval Training) workouts as well as healthy meal plans that focus on lean proteins, vegetables, and complex carbs. His #Leanin15 recipes are especially popular among his fans! 


3. Jen Selter (@jenselter): Jen Selter is a certified personal trainer who focuses on building strength through weight training exercises like squats, deadlifts, and lunges – which she often demonstrates in her posts. Her feed also includes motivational quotes and pictures of her impressive abs! Followers love her “Get Moving Challenge” where she encourages people to get up every hour throughout the day for at least 5 minutes of activity (e.g., jumping jacks or walking). 


4. Cassey Ho (@blogilates): Cassey Ho is the founder of Blogilates – an online workout community where members can participate in virtual Pilates classes from anywhere in the world! On Instagram, she posts funny videos of herself performing Pilates moves along with daily affirmations about self-love and body positivity that have inspired millions of people around the globe to embrace their bodies just as they are. 



Following fitness experts on Instagram can be a great way to stay motivated if you’re looking to start or maintain an active lifestyle. From HIIT workouts and Pilates moves to nutritional meal plans – these experts have got you covered! So check out some of these amazing influencers today – you won’t regret it!