
Do Compression braces work?

by Callum Allan on Nov 16, 2022

Do Compression braces work?

You see them everywhere these days. In the past few years, compression braces have become increasingly popular among gym-goers and active people. But do they actually work? Do they really help you perform better and avoid injury? Let's take a look at the science behind compression braces to see if they're worth your money.


How Compression Braces Work

Compression braces are designed to provide support and stability to muscles, tendons, and ligaments. They work by applying pressure to these tissues, which increases blood flow and helps reduce inflammation. In theory, this should lead to improved performance and reduced risk of injury. 


So, do compression braces actually work? The jury is still out on that one. There is some evidence that compression braces can help improve performance, but the studies are far from conclusive. One study found that compression garments increased blood flow to muscles by up to 15 percent, which led to improved performance in both aerobic and anaerobic exercise. However, other studies have shown no such benefit. So, at this point, it's probably safe to say that the jury is still out on whether or not compression braces actually help you perform better. 


As far as reducing the risk of injury goes, there is some evidence that compression braces can help. A review of the literature found that wearing compression garments during exercise can lead to a reduction in muscle soreness after exercise. There is also evidence that compression garments can help speed up the recovery process after an injury. So if you're looking for something to help you recover from a workout faster or reduce your risk of injury, compression braces may be worth a try. 



Compression braces are becoming increasingly popular among gym-goers and active people. But do they actually work? Do they really help you perform better and avoid injury? The jury is still out on that one, but there is some evidence that they may help improve performance and speed up recovery after a workout. If you're looking for something to help you recover from a workout faster or reduce your risk of injury, compression braces may be worth a try.
