Burpees are a popular full-body exercise that can help you build strength and endurance. They are easy to learn, require no equipment, and can be done almost anywhere. But if you’re a beginner, they can seem intimidating. That’s why we have compiled some burpee variations that will help you get started and build the confidence to take on more challenging exercises.
The Basic Burpee Exercise
The basic burpee exercise is performed in four steps. To start, stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and your arms at your sides. Then bend down into a squat position and place both hands on the ground in front of you. Next, jump or step back into a plank position with your arms extended directly beneath your shoulders. Finally, jump or step forward and return to the starting squat position before standing up straight again.
Burpee Variation #1: The Push-Up Burpee
For this variation of the burpee exercise, begin in the same starting position as the basic burpee—feet shoulder-width apart with arms at your sides—and then follow these steps: Bend down into a squat position while keeping your hands planted on the ground in front of you; jump or step back into a plank position; perform one push up; jump or step back into the starting squat position; stand up straight again. This variation adds an additional challenge by incorporating upper body strength into the exercise.
Burpee Variation #2: The High-Knee Burpee
To perform this variation of the burpee exercise, begin in the same starting position as before—feet shoulder-width apart with arms at your sides—and then proceed as follows: Bend down into a squat position while keeping your hands planted on the ground in front of you; jump or step back into a plank position; bring one knee up toward your chest (high knee); alternate legs for each repetition; return to the starting squat position before standing up straight again. This variation adds an extra level of difficulty by including an additional cardiovascular component to increase your heart rate and burn more calories per rep!
If you’re looking for an effective full-body workout that won’t break the bank but will still give you results, look no further than burpees! We hope these two variations have inspired you to give them a try—you’ll be surprised how quickly they become part of your regular routine! So get out there and get those burpees on!