Starting a new fitness journey can seem daunting. Every day, you’re hit with advice from friends and family who have their own ideas on how to get fit. You may have heard things like “go to the gym every day” or “sprint for two minutes every morning,” but what is the right answer when it comes to how often you should go to the gym as a beginner? Let's take a look at some of the key factors that will help you decide how often you should work out for optimal results.
Frequency & Intensity of Workouts
The frequency and intensity of your workouts are two important factors in deciding how often you should go to the gym. If you are just starting out, it is important not to overdo it; start slowly and gradually increase your intensity as your body gets used to regular exercise. You don't want to burn yourself out in the first few weeks by pushing yourself too hard. A good rule of thumb is to do something active three days a week, then increase your frequency and intensity as needed.
Type of Workout
The type of workout also plays an important role in determining how often you should be going to the gym. If you are doing high-intensity interval training (HIIT) workouts or weightlifting exercises, then it is recommended that you take at least one rest day per week – preferably two – so that your body has time to recover before your next workout session. On the other hand, if you're doing more low-impact activities such as yoga or Pilates, then it is okay to do these types of workouts more than once a week without taking any breaks in between sessions.
Nutrition & Hydration
In addition to frequency and intensity, nutrition and hydration play a huge role in determining how often you should go to the gym. Eating nutritious meals throughout the day will give your body energy for working out and help build muscle mass faster than if you were eating unhealthy foods. It is also important to stay hydrated throughout the day so that your body has enough fluid for intense workouts; dehydration can lead to fatigue, muscle cramps and headaches during exercise which could make it difficult or even dangerous for you to continue working out.
Working out regularly is essential for achieving health goals but it's important not to be overly ambitious when starting off - especially if you are new at exercising! By taking into account frequency and intensity levels based on your fitness goals as well as nutrition and hydration habits, beginners can find success in creating an effective workout plan tailored specifically towards them! With proper planning, knowledge and motivation anyone can become healthier inside and outside of the gym!